Read me! Read me! Raising Funds
Hi internet, its me. What have you been up to lately? I just signed up for a 100+ mile bike ride through Vermont with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Yes: 100+ miles. I'm pretty excited. It'll be my first opportunity to meet other diabetics who've nailed down this lifestyle way better than I have, and who (clearly) aren't afraid of exercise! Even as great as it'll be just for me to go and have the experience, I'm equally as excited at the prospect of raising my goal of over $3000 towards finding a cure for this silly disease. I feel terrible knowing that I'm going to be passing the gene onto my kids and grandkids, and I can't even imagine what it would have been like to go through this as a young kid. I let facebook know what I'm up to, as well - I know you guys are good friends - and I'm hoping that together, we can rally the troops and their wallets and rack up that sum in short order. You can donate online (link below) or send me an email for mailing information if you'd rather not use a credit card. And! its tax deductible. Think about it.
Ride to Cure Diabetes
Thanks, internet.
Love, Allie
Good Blog tnx.
sohbet odaları
You need to update this if you can still take donations.
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