Umm, WTF, mate?

Coming back from the beach this afternoon...

M: Whoa, it totally smells like propane in here.

A: That's weird. You have an electric stove and oven...

M: Nothing in this house runs on propane!

A: Your bedroom smells like it, too.

Nine-year-old following me into bedroom: What's cocaine? I don't smell anything.

So both my sisters and I are in Florida for New Year's vacation. The 'rents left two days ago, and my darling boyfriend left this morning. We have three more days of lounging, avoiding the sun, and warm weather together. Then I go back to the real world where the rear differential in my car blew up on Christmas Eve after the auto mechanics replaced the fluid but forgot to re-install the fill plug. And with the help of the 60,000 mile service on my car, a skiing trip, and Christmas, I ran up my credit card bill just over $4,000 last month. But for now, I'm still vacating! I hope you understand if I continue to post very infrequently for the next week or so...

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